We are a Galician company dedicated to the elaboration of traditional Galician products based on bakery  and sweet and salty pastry.

Traditional and handmade manufacturing: without artificial ingredients, main raw materials of Galician origin, Stone baked.


With full flavour and the benefits of the Athlantic diet in each of our traditional recipes.

Totally natural, no addictive, no dyes and no preservatives.

With the most select raw materials from Galicia: Protected Geographical Indication and Designation of Origin.

Gently handmade elaboration in stone oven and with manual finish touch.

And with the best ingredients of our local products.


"Unha maneira de facer Europa"


Convocatoria: (PEL-EMPRENDE INVEST) Axudas á consolidación e ao fortalecemento do tecido empresarial da provincia a través do apoio ao investimento en bens inventariables (Pel Emprende Investimentos 2019)